I was so excited for the Pinup Party last Saturday!  I had so many things in mind and went kinda crazy with the props!

It was a long, perilous drive to Whitewater with all my homemade props in tow.  I made homemade cupFAKES as a last minute thing and they weren’t quite dry.  Add that to the fact that they were super top-heavy and I finally just gave up trying to adjust them into the upright position.  I was determined to use them though!  Then, in the backseat (in a cooler that I couldn’t shut for fear of smushing them), sat some fake ice cream sodas complete with jello and mashed potatos.  Sounds yummy, hey?  But I read that trick somewhere online and it worked beautifully!  No melting ice cream to deal with.  I even painted some wooden balls red to look like cherries!  I kept checking over my shoulder to make sure they were safe and sound for when I arrived at Jenna D Luck’s house for the Pinup Party.

Well, besides a few smashed cupFakes, everything made it there in one piece!  I was so excited to show the ladies all the super cool stuff I brought!

Once I got there, I set up my studio and then we did some shots there and also got to use Jenna’s old car!  It isn’t running…YET…but it was awesome just the same! We totally sweated our arses off outside, but it was so completely worth it.

We all had such a blast and all of the ladies had personalities that were seriously ahmazing!!  I mean, they had me cracking up the entire time.  It was a wonderful way to spend a Saturday :-)  Thanks ladies!

Here is a sneak peak of some of the shots I got!  There are more to come :-)

Dollar Store beach ball with a beautiful pinup girl = HOT PIC!!

Miss M is a natural at this "pinup stuff"...


This was one of the first pictures I took of Miss C. - talk about being comfortable in front of the camera.... AWESOME! Her smile just lights up a room!

Moody lighting by her vintage car.... Of course, while we were doing this set, a whole bunch of people were driving and walking by! lol!

Here's Miss M again...the natural 50's housewife! I love it!

Another fun "beachy" set! Jenna D Lucks is seriously the perfect pinup model!

Another of Miss C. Gotta love the glasses!

Thanks again ladies!  I am editing as we speak and will have more to show very soon!!


Flaunt it!


Teri :-)